Top Palm Grove QLD 4800 Child Care Centres
Need an affordable child care centre open now? These 6 results near you are waiting for your call. Here are our top Palm Grove Child Care Centres with reviews & ratings.
St Catherine's Kindergarten, Proserpine Quick Info
Preschool Services
Child Care & Education
Early Learning
Local Activities
The Kindergarten program offered in Catholic Schools and St Mary Mackillop Early Learning Centres is administered by Mary Mackillop Childcare North Queensland. The Catholic Kindergarten education program is delivered by a university-trained early childhood education teacher. The part-time kindergarten operates for 15 hours per week, 40 weeks a year, full-time kindergarten operates for 30 hours per week, 40 weeks a year. The education program delivered has been developed from the Kindergarten Learning Guideline set by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Catholic Kindergartens offer families an education program delivered in a Catholic environment where the spirituality of each child is valued.
94 114 Renwick Rd, Proserpine QLD
Whitsunday Shire Family Day Care Quick Info
Day Care
Highly trained
Family Day Care
All educators are skilled
Current first aid certified
Working with children check
Before / after school
During standard and non standard hours
Highly trained
Asthma management training
Anaphylaxis training
Child protection training
Day Care
Highly trained
At Whitsunday Shire Family Day Care, we are passionate about delivering the best support for you and your family as well as providing a wonderful experience for your child. All of our Whitsunday Shire Family Day Care educators: � Hold a current Blue card � Have First aid qualifications including CPR and asthma and Anaphylaxis � Child Protection Certificate � Full public liability insurance � Hold a CERT III or Diploma in Early childhood education and care One of the benefits of families registering with Whitsunday Shire Family Day Care is that our head office is based here in Proserpine. This means that if needed, our local co-ordinators can visit an educator at any point. If there's an emergency, our co-ordinators can quickly help and support the educator on site. This offers extra peace of mind to families that there is always extra support on hand. We are an approved scheme, which means parents can claim the Child Care Subsidy if eligible. Our Family Day Care educators are governed by the National Quality Framework and are provided with up to date information surrounding all changes in legislation. Our educators offer a variety of flexible hours to suit your family, including standard hours, before and after school care, as well as school holiday care. In some circumstances Educators may be able to provide weekend and overnight care. If you're looking at enrolling your child with Whitsunday Shire Family Day Care, come in and talk to our co-ordinators today.
18 Chapman St, Proserpine QLD
5 (1)
Cannonvale Kidz Early Learning Centre Quick Info
Day Care
All Rooms Air Conditioned
Shaded Water Park
Meals provided
Before & After School Care
Cannonvale Kidz Early Learning Centre is a privately owned, 75 place Long Day Care Centre, providing high quality child care and education to families in the local community and beyond. Our newly built centre is located at 58 Gailbraith Park Drive, Cannonvale. If you would like more information, please contact 07 4948 3611. We look forward to providing your child with a great start in life. Centre Philosophy We believe; That care, dignity and respect be given to every child, in relation to their uniquenss and individuality; their learning styles; indvidual growth, their cultural and linguistic backgrounds. To provide an enjoyable and challenging child centrered learning environment where children are encouraged to learn through play so that they will enjoy learning throughout life; To create and maintain a safe enviroment that enhances children's autonomy and self-worth, a safe place where they can achieve a deep sense of well-being; Allowing each child time and space, as well as multiple opportunities to interact and experience a meaningful and secure enviroment, that encourages growth of new ideas and enhances the child's exisiting knowledge; That family and staff are valued and display respect for each other, working in collaborative partnership to provide the best learning experience's for each individual child in an enriched early learning enviroment; allowing for development to flourish; That early childhood development focuses upon the social, emotional, physicaly, cognitive, language/literacy, numeracy and aesthetic development of the infividual child. Children will be be given the opportunity to develop at a pace comfortable to themselves and their enviroment Our families, centre staff members, volunteers and the wider community play an essential role in providing equitable care in our centre. Families and centre staffs input into centers programming, operational procedures and policy decisions are encouraged and respected. AIMS and GOALS We aim to provide a high standard of care and education to all children from all backgrounds. We strive to provide personalised service to each of our families, particularly through the way we cater to the unique needs of individual children. We wish to convey an atmosphere of friendship and respect which will in turn positively influence the development of your child. We provide an environment where each child is valued and respected. We are sensitive and respectful of varied culture and religious practices. We are also supportive to all families in all aspects of each child's development. We encourage equality in all aspects of our care. We provide an environment that encourages children to develop their capabilities and interests at their own pace and according to their individual needs. Cannonvale Kidz Early Learning Centre will give your child a great start in life by striving to achieve the following: High quality developmental programs catering to the individual needs of your children Curriculum focus on literacy, numeracy and language Quality care by dedicated, professional and caring staff
8 years ago
I had recent stay with my grand children and i must say i want to be a clown fish, so much love and attention given to the children, your all a truly amazing caring and loving lot so good to see. xxxx
58 Galbraith Park Rd, Cannonvale QLD
Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre Quick Info
Support Programs
Emergency Relief Service
Community Development Program
Scallywags Childcare
Support Programs
Emergency Relief Service
Community Development Program
Family Support Program
Resume Writing Assistance
Form Fill Assistance
Second Bite Program
Oz Harvest Program
Pre-Loved Furniture And Opportunity Shop
Scallywags Childcare
My Time Parent Support Group
Be Connected Seniors Computer Lessons
Justice of the Peace Signing Site
Legal Aid Outreach Centre
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Group
Community Furniture Shed & OP Shop
Neighbourhood centre
14-20 Hazelwood Crescent, Cannonvale QLD
View Palm Grove Child Care Centres Businesses Below
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C&K Whitsunday Kindergarten Quick Info
Pre-prep program for 3 1/2-5 year olds in their year before school.
Child care
Qualified teachers
Pre-schooling professionals since 1907.
8 years ago
Our Baby girl was so sad to have moved from here to Prep, it took her a while as missed you all, but has now finally settled, take care our beautiful forever in our hearts
9 Schnapper St, Cannonvale QLD
5 (1)
C&K Collinsville & Scottville Community Kindergarten Quick Info
Preschool Programs
Kindergarten Programs
Indoor & Outdoor Spaces
Learning Through Play
Cater Children 3.5 to 4.5 Years
Early Childhood Education
University-Qualified Teachers & Support Children
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF)
Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG)
Educating 4yr olds in a C & K affiliated centre.
8 years ago
Your service to the community is invauable, each and every child that has spent time here over the years will surly remember all the good times had at kinder such an amazing centre thanks ladies you are GOLD
Collinsville And Scottville Kindergarten 37 Ninth Ave, Scottville QLD
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