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Holocron Cyber Quick Info
Strategy & Consulting
Ad Hoc Security Services
Vulnerability Management Services
Penetration Testing
Security Awareness Training
Managed SOC
Compliance & IT Risk Management
DR & BCP Planning
DR & BCP Testing
Cyber Security
Physical Security
Vendor Security
Data Security
Network Security
Managed Detection & Responses
Cisco Umbrella Deployments
Policy Uplifts
Essential Eight Audits
Information Security Policy Uplifts
Incident Responses
Information Security Assessments
Holocron aims to better equip and educate businesses with the tools and techniques to ward off threat actors and to be able to navigate the ever changing digital landscape. As more organisations become victims of fraud and cyber attacks it has become apparent that they first need to understand their systems in order to protect them. Our goal is simple – better educate and equip our customers with the defensive systems and process so they can focus on what matters most in their field of work.
18 Brandl St, Eight Mile Plains QLD

Australia’s leading digital presence provider.
Rated 4.9 Stars based on 600+ Reviews
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