Top Laguna Quays QLD 4800 Natural Therapies
Need an affordable natural therapy open now? These 21 results near you are waiting for your call. Here are our top Laguna Quays Natural Therapies with reviews & ratings.
Closed - Opens 9:00 am
40 Main St, Proserpine QLD
Bottoms Up Colonics Whitsunday Quick Info
Colonic hydrotherapy
Detox & Cleansing
Cultured Cuisine
Probiotic Foods For Everyone
Grasses of Life
Body Ecology
Colonic hydrotherapy
Body ecology nutrition
Fermenting & cooking workshops
Detox & Cleansing
Founder Sue Wilson set up Bottoms Up Colonics as she wanted to spread the word about digestive health and the benefits of colonic hydrotherapy. Her desire to educate people about the impact our digestive system can have on our physical and emotional health was the inspiration behind the first clinic. With Bottoms Up, Sue has skilfully developed a user-friendly version of what is commonly called colonic irrigation. Her goal is to demystify the process and make colon hydrotherapy as much a part of everyday health as a visit to the dentist. Her philosophy is one of dedication, professionalism and openness as she raises awareness about the links between a clean colon and keeping the mind and body disease-free.
Sandi Atkinson
4 months ago
I first found this amazing clinic in 2021 while on holidays. My healthy concern at that time was constipation. Selena explained the process thoroughly and my condition improved after treatment. I have now moved to the Whitsundays, so have re visited the clinic twice and intend to continue sessions for my overall health benefits. Very professional staff who totally make you feel at ease. Highly recommend anyone giving it a try.
Closed - Opens 8:00 am Wed Whitsunday Quick Info
17 3 Commerce Cl, Cannonvale QLD
5 (5)
Closed - Opens 8:00 am
Soul Connect Counselling & Hypnosis Quick Info
The last few years have taken a considerable toll on mental health and wellbeing and collectively we have all felt or experienced very intense emotions. Whether its sadness, emptiness, depression, stress, anxiety, pain, lack of motivation, direction or joy, counselling and hypnosis can help you, giving you the tools to get results quickly as possible. Issues counselling and hypnotherapy can help with: Depression and Mood disturbance Pain Management Adjustment disorder Self-esteem and Confidence Career Concerns Anxiety and Stress Loss and Grief Relationship Issues Eating and body image concerns Healing from Trauma Addictions As trained professional's in counselling and NLP (hypnosis) our approach will draw on a range of therapeutic processes and modalities tailored to suit you needs and preferences. If you are looking to undertake a journey of self-discovery, growth, reconnection and healing we are looking forward to supporting you on this journey to achieve meaningful life goals, experience more joy, fulfilment, ease and wellbeing in your life. Please call or email to arrange your free 15 minute phone consultation with us today.
1 year ago
I would like to say, I've known this amazing professional for many years, past and present. Miss Carpenter has demonstrated and guided thorough understanding of self worth, support, nurturing, strength, confidence among other factors where one may feel helpless, lost or just down right empty in current life realism. I can only endorse and genuinely recommend the amazing humanism to lived experiences and knowledge that may resonate with us all. I highly recommend this amazing professional. I only wish this professional was open to being recognised for what she truly offers.
Abell Rd, Cannonvale QLD
Ridge Clinic Quick Info
Remedial massage
Chronic pain relief
Sports injuries
Relaxation massage
Stress relief
Body maintenance
Clinical massage therapy
Shop 19b 121 Shute Harbour Rd, Cannonvale QLD
Yoga for Life Quick Info
Yoga Classes
I offer the only qualified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant service in the Whitsundays. Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga and is based on the healing wisdom of the individual body, mind and spirit.
Cannonvale QLD
Closed - Opens 9:00 am
Bowen Therapy, Massage, Reiki, Dry Needling, Ear Candling, Reflexology Quick Info
Reiki Therapy
Bowen Therapy Treatment
Pain Management
Reiki Therapy
Bowen Therapy Treatment
Pain Management
Back & Neck Pain
Sports Injuries
Lower Back Pain
Structural Alignment
Frozen Shoulder
Stress & Fatigue
Ear Candling
Therapists Cynthia and Danny. "Bowen Therapy is a form of remedial muscle therapy which focuses on rehydrating the connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Stimulates LYMPHATIC flow. REMOVES toxins. IMPROVE hormonal & metabolic balance. RELIEVE pain & injuries. MANAGE anxiety, depression & panic attacks. Bowen relieves back & neck pain, sciatica, migraines, arthritis, fluid retention, poor posture, stress, fatigue and depression, to name a few. Reiki energy healing balances the chakras. Receive a Chakra balance and grounding and removal of energy blockages. A wonderful energy experience that provides clarity and serenity. Assists with emotional and physical pain and relieves symptoms of anxiety, depression and emotional burden.
Cannonvale QLD
View Laguna Quays Natural Therapies Businesses Below
Open 24 Hrs
BodyTalk Quick Info
Natural Health
Energy Medicine
Lymph Drainage Massage
Specialising in all areas of health & personal development
BodyTalk is a form of therapy that gets to and addresses the underlying cause of symptoms and disease, using various techniques. BodyTalk System overview. Australian Chiropractor and Acupuncturist, Dr. John Veltheim, developed the BodyTalk System in 1995. Since then it has been taught to over a thousand practitioners worldwide. Currently there are 47 trained BodyTalk instructors teaching in 17 countries. Graduates include medical doctors and specialists, psychologists, psychotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, physical therapists, osteopaths, nurses, licensed massage therapists, and laypeople. The outstanding growth and success of the BodyTalk system is essentially fueled by the following factors: Outstanding results occur in almost every sphere of heath care. It can be used as a stand-alone health care system and can be learned in a relatively short time. The basic program is covered in just two weekend modules totalling 38 hours of workshop time. It can be seamlessly integrated into any other health care modality and is complementary to each modality. It is totally non-invasive and absolutely safe. There are no contraindications. to its use. No diagnosis is given, no medications prescribed, and no invasive techniques imposed upon the patient. The BodyTalk System does not conflict with, or legally contravene, any existing health care system or law. Patients thoroughly enjoy the sessions and the results are evident within all aspects of health - mind, body, and spirit.The basic premises underlying The BodyTalk System constitute a new paradigm for synchronizing and balancing the bodymind that can be implemented in conjunction with any health care system. The body is a very complex ecosystem involving a delicate balance between physiological biochemical functions, emotional and mental interactions, environmental influences, hereditary and genetic restrictions, and the need to synchronize all these factors into a cohesive whole. Until now the majority of health care systems have tended to take a Cartesian approach and have focused on isolated parts of the bodymind equation. The whole picture, incorporating all the variables, has been placed in the �too hard' basket. This is because the human mind, even with the help of modern science and equipment, is incapable of thinking on such a comprehensive scale. The BodyTalk System recognizes that within each and every one of us there lies the innate knowing of who we are and what makes us tick. This innate wisdom carries the answer to our health care dilemma. This is addressed in the following way: The BodyTalk System facilitates communication with the innate wisdom of the body by using neuromuscular biofeedback. This feedback provides the practitioner with a �yes' or �no' answer to any question that is asked of the body. The innate wisdom thus provides BodyTalkers accurate guidelines with regard the bodymind requirements for optimum health. By following a comprehensive protocol of questions, the BodyTalk practitioner can establish exactly what balancing the body needs in order to harmonize bodymind function. This involves finding out which organs, endocrines, or body parts need to be connected to heal communication between them at the physiological, biochemical, circulatory, nervous, emotional, and/or energy levels. The patient and/or practitioner touch the parts that need repair and the practitioner then uses his/her fingers to gently tap the head of the patient in order to focus the brain toward repair. BodyTalk �tapping' is based on an old Hatha Yoga technique and experiments with biofeedback apparatus show that when this tapping occurs while specific parts are being touched there is a major increase in brain activity in relation to those parts. The practitioner then lightly taps the chest to store the changes in the heart energy complex, which ensures that the new balance is held in deep memory and is, therefore, lasting. Clinical results have shown that once the communications systems of the body have been reestablished and the bodymind complex synchronized, the body is capable of healing itself at a deep and lasting level. This is something that modern health care systems have tended to forget, or ignore. The trend has been to want to play �God� and intervene in the body's natural processes even though it is clear that allopathic health care training provides only a glimpse into the complex interactions of the bodymind. Of course, there are times that natural healing is limited. The typical emergency such as a car accident, where the body is in crisis, attests to the need of skilled intervention in the form of modern medicine. Nevertheless, BodyTalk practitioners are seeing the incredible healing power of a �balanced' body in the daily results obtained in practice. The functions of every part of the body and mind are improved. This means that the immune system will start to eliminate chronic and acute viruses, bacteria, parasites, and toxins. Reestablishing of the mind/body balance reduces allergies, emotional and psychological disorders. It also improves posture and coordination, digestion and elimination, brain functions, learning disorders, and states of distorted consciousness in the form of negative belief systems and attitudes. The BodyTalk System does not rely upon diagnosis and the BodyTalk practitioner does not prescribe, use invasive techniques, or do anything that can cause harm to the body. This makes it one of the rare health care systems that can be classified as totally safe and truly holistic in its approach to reestablishing the optimum health of the patient. It is complementary to all other health care systems and can be used as a stand-alone system or be integrated into any other health care practice. It can also be safely used by the layperson as a means of assisting in the health care of themselves, their family, and friends. Every person who is sincerely interested in the concepts of total health care and has a respect for the power of the potential of human bodymind, should find out more about the BodyTalk System.
4 Stormvogel Dr, Mandalay QLD
5 (1)
Tokyo White - Massage & Energy Healing Quick Info
Natural Therapies
Energy healing
Sarah Hollsworth
4 years ago
Such a beautiful experience. Massage was amazing with elements of reiki incorporated into it. Total state of bliss, left feeling lighthearted, relaxed, peaceful and amazing
Airlie Beach QLD
Closed - Opens 9:00 am
Deering Amanda Quick Info
Oracles music
Energy treatments
Australian Bush Flower Essence treatments
Massage treatments
New Age shop
Whitsundays QLD
McLaughlin Sharon Quick Info
Whitsundays QLD
Closed - Opens 9:00 am
Spa Qualia Quick Info
Gift Cards
Couples Bath Indulgences
Massage Therapies
Body Therapies
Facial Therapies
Holistic & Wellbeing Therapies
Hand & Foot Therapies
Pregnancy Spa
20 Whitsunday Blvd, Whitsundays QLD
Closed - Opens 8:00 am
Youth Fountain Therapies Quick Info
Devine Healing
Whitsundays QLD
Open 24 Hrs
Mackay Postnatal Support Quick Info
Bambeado amber
My gypsy child natural and organic skin care
Postnatal herbal baths
Placenta encapsulation services
Doula support
Postnatal guidance
Placenta encapsulation
Placenta encapsulation service for Mackay and surrounding region, including Bowen, Proserpine, Sarina, Dysart, and Moranbah. Stockist of Bambeado amber, My Gypsy Child natural and organic skin care for mum and baby, and postnatal herbal baths.
Shoal Point Rd, Bucasia QLD
Closed - Opens 8:00 am
Re-Energise Bowen Therapy Quick Info
Bowen Therapy Treatments
Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is a Gentle yet Dynamic Technique that can be performed on anyone! Having completed my Certificate IV in Bowen Therapy through the Border College of Natural Therapies and The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia, I have mastered the technique so I can successfully treat and offer relief to everyone, from newborn babies to the elderly. My aim is to provide relief and amazing results, along with quality service and customer satisfaction - I will do everything I can to help your body heal itself and create a world of peace and balance for you!
7 Matilda Ct, Eimeo QLD
5 (3)
Closed - Opens 8:00 am
Walkerston Natural Therapies Centre Quick Info
Soda crystals
Shoulder braces
Physio cream
Strapping tape
Back pain & sciatica
Digestive & bowel problems (including IBS)
Earache, ear infections & migraines
Fibro myalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome
Knee, ankle & foot problems
Groin pain, pelvic tilt & uneven leg length
Menstrual & hormonal irregularities
Neck/shoulder problems including frozen shoulder
Respiratory problems & hay fever
RSI, carpel tunnel syndrome & tennis elbow
Sports & accidental injuries
Baby colic
Remedial massage
Relaxation massage
Pregnancy massage
Lymphatic drainage massage
Deep tissue massage
Gift vouchers
Bowen therapy
Massage therapy
Cupping therapy
Facial massage
Dry needling
Pain & injury relief
Advanced massage techniques
Julie Williams is the owner of the Walkerston Natural Therapies Centre, which she has been operating since 1998. Julie holds relevant qualifications in bowen therapy, remedial massage, Tuina (Chinese body therapies), reiki, orion healing, aromatherapy, reflexology, dry needling and is also an instructor in natural therapy practices. Prior to moving to Walkerston in 1995, Julie worked as a healthcare worker in the outback Northern Territory before moving to Darwin to teach natural therapies and beauty therapy. In 2006 Julie took extended leave from her business and sailed the Australian coast from east to west. Following this, Julie moved to the Philippines and set up a clinic in a poverty-stricken area, teaching local people and healthcare workers bowen therapy for medical emergencies. In 2010 Julie returned to the clinic in Walkerston where she continues to work as a practitioner. In 2011 Julie taught bowen therapy in the Solomon Islands improving life and giving hope to those less fortunate. Julie continues to donate her time to developing countries teaching Bowen Therapy for medical purposes. Bowtech is a gentle form of bodywork in which very subtle moves performed over the muscles and connective tissue send messages deep into the body, retrieving cellular memory of a preferred relaxed way of wellbeing. Results can be remarkable, even from the first session; often only a few sessions are needed to correct the presenting problem. There are frequent but very essential pauses throughout the session that allow the body time to respond and begin the healing process. The practitioner can target a specific problem or address the body as a whole SCENAR therapy is unique because it interactively locates, measures and prompts problem areas in the body (active points) through the skin to help relieve pain and restore function, without the need for diagnosis.
Ray King
5 years ago
Had a great massage that really helped me after long drives. Would recommend Julie's services to all, thank you
Walkerston QLD
Closed - Opens 9:00 am
Marian Natural Therapy Centre Quick Info
Coconut oil used in massage sessions
Bowen Therapy
Massage therapist
Natural health services
Holistic healing approaches
Accredited Bowen Therapy staff
When you're suffering with pain and discomfort, speak to the team at Marian Natural Therapy Centre. We are a Mackay natural therapy clinic providing effective alternative therapies in the treatment of pain caused by injury, trauma, stress and illness. At Marian Natural Therapy Centre in Mackay we specialise in treating our clients with Bowen Therapy, a holistic approach to healing and pain relief. This effective modality focuses on treating the whole person and the source of the discomfort, rather than the symptoms. Bowen Therapy triggers self-healing abilities to restore balance and harmony within the body. Marian Natural Therapy Centre also has qualified massage therapists who utilise the effective techniques of remedial massage to relieve physical discomforts and promote general wellbeing and relaxation. At our Mackay natural therapies clinic, our relaxing, climate controlled therapy rooms offer a well deserved break from the outside world. Relax into the soft comfort of our treatment beds and let the expert hands of our massage therapist take you on a pain-free and blissful journey into relaxation. When you experience a hiccup in your health or discomfort from an injury or illness, speak to our helpful and caring team at Marian Natural Therapy Centre. Marian Natural Therapy Centre is a proud supporter of Pioneer Valley Agricultural, Special Children's Christmas Party and Drug Arm.
3 Malabar Ct, Glenella QLD
Explore Laguna Quays Natural Therapies Services Near You
Susan Pryor Esoteric Therapies Quick Info
Chakra Puncture
Esoteric Therapies
Esoteric Healing
12 Weeks Detox Program Full Program
12 week Detox Program Single session
Mount Pleasant QLD
5 (1)
Closed - Opens 8:00 am
Dupuy's Pharmacy Amcal Quick Info
Compounding Pharmacy
Home Medication Packing
Home Medication Reviews
National Diabetes Services Scheme Access Point
Established in 1933 At Dupuy's Pharmacy we offer a wide range of services; Compounding Dispensary to have any prescription medication tailor made to suit your specific needs, including re-flavouring of children's medications. Naturopathic Consultations are available by appointment only We stock all Herbal, Homeopathic, Naturopathic Preparations and Vitamin and Nutritional Supplements National Diabetes Services Scheme Access Point, we are able to help you with all of yor Diabetic needs Medication Packing with FREE delivered to your home Home Medication Reviews Full prescription services Easy parking at the front door Large range of gifts for all ages Free Gift Wrapping Free Delivery Service Free signup to the Amcal Club -Ask how to start saving Free expert advice from our helpful and friendly staff We are open every day of the year.
Miranda Marie
7 years ago
So glad they were open on a public holiday
12-14 Grandview Dr, Greenfields QLD
Featured Reviews of the Best Natural Therapies in Laguna Quays
5 Average Rating based on 12 reviews from 5 Natural Therapies near Laguna Quays

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