Top Townsville QLD Saws
Need an affordable saw open now? These 3 results near you are waiting for your call. Here are our top Townsville Saws with reviews & ratings.
Norm Hyatt Saw Doctor Quick Info
Rota broaches
Door closers
Duplicate keys
Gaming locks
Locking systems
Master key systems
Multi lock systems
Restricted systems
Sharpening of saws and blades
Re-toothing saw blades
General blade sharpening
Chainsaw blade sharpening
Metal cutting cold saw blades
Segmented cold saw blades
Metal cutting hot saws
Metal cutting cobalt saw blades
Key cutting
Re-keying house or changing locks
Installation of locking systems
Restricted key and master key systems
Automotive specialists, transponder keys and specialist opening
Changing all locks on car or making key to suit even late model cars
Safe services
Safe sales, service and installation
Combination manipulation
Changing combinations
Finding combinations lost when changing
Forced opening for lost combination or faulty safes
Unusual openings and high security safes
Manifoil servicing and approved work
Safe relocations, servicing or specialist openings
Engraving services
Printers guillotines
School saw sets
Friendly staff
Family owned and run business
Best 'value for money' products
Fastest response times possible
Up to date training for our staff
Innovative and well maintained tools and equipment
24/7 call out service
When you need something sharpened, you can guarantee that Norm Hyatt Saw Doctor will be able to assist you. Our Townsville saw sharpening service caters for all brands of saws, blades and drill bits to ensure you can cut through any material when you need to. Our staff have been expertly trained through five generations of saw doctoring, which has given us extensive experience with a range of products. We have honed our skills to provide a professional finish at all times and can cater for a wide range of products across many industrial, agricultural and home applications. Norm Hyatt Saw Doctor can assist with the sharpening of a variety of saw blades, including tungsten carbide tipped saw blades, hand saws, tenor saws and crosscut saws. We sharpen, reset and restore big, little, old and specialty saws, even replacing broken teeth on the blades. We can sharpen pruning saws, rotor broaches, printers' knives and chainsaw chains. We can also sharpen drill bits, clippers, chisels, hairdressing scissors and gardening equipment. From small to large blades, we can sharpen each item to a precision edge. Our talented and experienced Townsville saw doctor has an eye for detail, ensuring each item he works on exceeds your needs. Servicing Townsville and the surrounding areas, Norm Hyatt Saw Doctor provides professional sharpening services. Whether you are a professional arborist, a hobby artist, printer or even a fabricator, we are able to help you keep your job tools in good working condition.
Townsville City QLD
5 (1)
Sawtech Qld Quick Info
Lenox bi-metal band saw blades
Lenox synthetic coolants for steel cutting band saw machines
All types of wood, meat & steel cutting blades
Stark cold saw blades
Range of Kreuz rota broaches for hole drilling
Carb-i-tool router bits
Oregon chainsaw chains
Tool sharpening services
TCT circular blades
Cold saw blades
Band saw blades
Wood chipper blades
Planer blades
Guillotine blades
Rota broaches
Hedge trimmers
AKEMAT U4B NC saw grinder (German made)
Gockle G50 EL 3000mm long knife grinder
Sawtech Qld is an expert sharpening service putting the edge back into your tools in Garbutt and all over North Queensland. Our expert technicians and advanced machinery provide tool-sharpening services to just about any blade. We use an AKEMAT U4B German-made saw grinder as well as a Gockle G50 EL 3000mm long knife grinder, the only one of its kind in North Queensland. Sharpen your coldsaw, bandsaw, holesaw, rota broach and chainsaw blades, circular saw, wood chipper, planer back to their original, razor-edged condition. Is your hedge trimmer losing a battle to an overgrown bush? Bring it down to Blade Runner. We can also fine tune any hedge trimmer, chainsaw or handsaw. We stock only the best products from industry leading experts. Get all Lenox Band Saw Blades and Stark Coldsaw Blades, Synthetic Coolants as well as router bits from other reputable brands. Sharpen up at Blade Runner in Garbutt today..
Marion L
5 years ago
6/7-11 Gurney St, Garbutt QLD
LBR Equipment Hire Quick Info
Equipment Hire
Boom Lifts Hire
Scaffolding Hire
Scissor Lifts Hire
Equipment Hire
Boom Lifts Hire
Jackhammers Hire
Planks Hire
Sanders Hire
Saws Hire
Scaffolding Hire
Scissor Lifts Hire
Dingo Hire
1 Fifth St, Home Hill QLD
Featured Reviews of the Best Saws in Townsville
5 Average Rating based on 1 reviews from 1 Saws near Townsville

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