Top Coburg North VIC 3058 Tilers
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Holymess Repairs Quick Info
Emergency Roof Repairs
Commercial Plumbing
Residential Plumbing
Electrical Services
Hot Water Systems
Sink Taps & Spouts
Testable Double Check Valves
Anti Frost Valves
Basin Set Rebuild – First Tap Set
Bio-Clean Drainage Maintenance
Boiling Water Units
Bypass Solar Hot Water Systems
Ceramic Disk Replacement – Basin Taps
Ceramic Toilet Cistern, Flushpipe, Water Stop Valve & Chrome Connection
Gas Instantaneous
250L Single Element Hot Water System Replacement
Tap Tops
Kitchen Sinks
Laundry Tubs
Washing Machine Taps
Connector Plates
Copper Pipe
Electric Storage Under Cupboards
Asbestos Removal
Roof Restoration
Emergency Roof Repairs
Roof Replacement
Roof Leak Detection & Repairs
Leak Detection
Emergency Plumbing
Commercial Plumbing
Residential Plumbing
Electrical Installations
Electrical Rewire Rewiring
Fault Finding Repairs & Emergencies
Safety Switch Testing
Mains Power Upgrade
Electrical Services
Outdoor Lighting
Kitchen Renovations
Sewer Upgrades & Repairs
Switchboard Upgrades
Stormwater Upgrades & Repairs
Switchboard Replacements
Bathroom Renovations
The entire industry was in a negative spiral, customers were hoping for a good tradesman to come to them but really they expected the tradesperson to be far from what they wanted . New skilled tradespeople were not entering the industry . Mental health crisis in trades workers were skyrocketing inc drug and alcohol addiction. Customers were afraid to get projects done as they did not trust the work would be done as per agreement. Every other week another trades services company was declaring bankruptcy. To put the nail in the coffin the last remaining superstars and tradespeople were leaving the industry in droves for greener grass in other industries. When things could not get any worse we faced the world of a global pandemic. But in all of this mess , we had a Holy great idea. This is where HolyMess Repairs was born and has proven if self as the holy grail of trades services.
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