My dog ate chocolate - now what?
Call your vet for advice - depending on the amount eaten, they may need to be seen immediately. Minor cases can sometimes be monitored from home.
How can I tell if my pet has fleas?
Fleas are small and fast, and can sometimes be hard to detect. They commonly hide under armpit and groin areas.
My pet needs to see a vet, but I can't afford the bill. Now what?
Talk to your vet - they may offer payment plans with a deposit in some circumstances.
How do I know if my dog is pregnant?
There are physical and behavioural signs to look for —however only a professional diagnosis can give you a definitive answer.
Why does my pet pace at night?
Old age can cause dementia-like behaviours in pets. Anxiety, pain, or another underlying medical issue may also find it difficult to settle.
Can a vet help with my dog constantly barking?
Maybe. It is a good idea to see a vet for a check-up for any medical issues, as well as tips that may manage barking.
How can I tell if my cat is sick?
Changes in behaviour, eating and drinking habits, urine and defecation output, vomiting and coughing may be common signs of illness.
I think my dog has anxiety. What do I do?
Behaviour therapy and medications may be of assistance. Discuss with your vet.
My cat keeps vomiting. What should I do?
Occasional vomiting might not be cause for concern – if the problem persists, a vet check may be necessary.