Top Tweed Heads NSW 2485 Voicemail Message Services
Need an affordable voicemail message service open now? This 1 result near you is waiting for your call. Here are our top Tweed Heads Voicemail Message Services with reviews & ratings.
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Sales on Hold Quick Info
IMP Intelligent Media Player Packages
Sales On Hold Intelligent Media Player
Background Music
Voice over
Script Updates - As per the selected plan
Script Writing Support
Staff Training
Product Support
Our founder Scott Kennedy purchased a small on hold company 2000 On Hold in 2002 and went about developing new relationships with Australian business. These relationships soon flourished into clients by recognising the needs of business owners and or managers. 'We realised that an amazing amount of sales opportunities where being wasted every phone call let alone every day and we past this information onto prospective clients and showed the how they could make money by having their clients on hold'. In 2006 we re-launched 2000 On Hold as Sales On Hold with an invigorating look and sound. Scott has run his own marketing business The Marketing Group Pty Ltd since 1993 and in that time built up and sold a number of business' and identities not to mention contracting to other business to assist in their short and long term goals. Murray Shoring is our Production Manager. Murray has been in the radio and television industry since 1976 and has gained a vast portfolio of experience such as a Radio Announcer and News Reader, Script Writer, Television Host, Live Compare, Voice Over Artist and successfully worked on Production in the Radio and Television industries. It is this quality of experience that Murray offers our clients on a day to day basis here at Sales On Hold.
PO Box 33, Coolangatta QLD

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