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Australian Consolidated Communications Quick Info
Call Answering/Managing
ACC offers a true 24/7 Contact Centre with carefully selected and thoroughly trained, friendly and efficient operators.
Call Flow Reporting
ACC's data reporting systems allow us to provide you with customisable, flexible and indispensable business intelligence with a state of the art, clear and concise reporting capabilities.
Full Service Management
Our Operators will take your calls with the assistance of our IP telephone system and state of the art, in-house CRM package. A script pre-determined by you is then at the touch of a fingertip to thoroughly assist your client.
ustralian Consolidated Communications PTY LTD (ACC) is a 24/7 Professional, Efficient and Effective provider of Call Centre Management solutions to the corporate market. We operate a boutique contact centre, concentrating on our ability to provide the clients with excellent service. Our office is Wollongong based with our clientele spreading nationwide. ACC's point of difference is our strategic alliances with clients. ACC's core focus is to develop strategic alliances and partnerships with its clients, that will in turn allow them to provide their clients with excellent service. We offer a nationwide, coast to coast service with our Head Office located in Wollongong NSW Australia. The Leading Edge in Technology: ACC is aided by the leading edge in technology, including VOIP telephone systems, which allows services to be provided to clients efficiently and seamlessly, anywhere at anytime. All systems, computer, telecommunications and power have backup systems. This allows for 100% redundancy.
18 Beach St, Wollongong NSW

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