Top Canteen Creek NT 0872 Workers-compensation-lawyers
Need an affordable workers-compensation-lawyer open now? These 2 results near you are waiting for your call. Here are our top Canteen Creek Workers-compensation-lawyers with reviews & ratings.
1 Stott Terrace, Alice Springs NT
Central Australian Women's Legal Service (CAWLS) Quick Info
Domestic & Family Violence
Renting & Tenancies
Legal Practitioners
Keeping Safe Services
Housing & Tenancy
Credit & Debit
Financial Counselling
Victims Of Crime Compensation
Motor Vehicle Injury Compensation
Criminal Law
Migration Law
Family Law & Children
Family Law & Property
Child Protection
Employment & Discrimination
Outreach Services
DV Duty Lawyer Services
Community Legal Education
Law Reform & Policy
Health Justice Partnership
Quality Services
The Central Australian Women's Legal Service - or CAWLS for short - is Alice Springs' defenders in law for women from all walks of life. With special concern given to domestic violence cases, we provide free legal advice to those women living in remote communities or unable to afford access to other legal services. Our free call number is open to any woman looking for help legal issues, advice advice and representation, referral to support services, community legal education and law reform advocacy. A lot of our work involves supporting our clients and their families with the issues caused by crimes and lawsuits, such as, obtaining, varying or revoking domestic violence orders, child support, compensation, child protection, discrimination, employment and dismissal, credit and debt matters and tenancy. So that the women of Central Australia know we are there for them, we offer drop-in domestic violence and victims of crime services, free advice sessions by appointment and flexible evening appointments. Call Central Australian Women's Legal Service on free call 1800 684 055 for true & confidential legal support for all women in Central Australia & the Barkly Region
84 Hartley St, Alice Springs NT
Court support
Legal assistance
Family law
Central Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Unit (CAAFLU) Quick Info
Court support
Legal assistance
Family law
Compensation for victims of family violence
Court support
Legal assistance
Family law
Sexual violence legal & non-legal supports
Domestic violence legal & non-legal supports
Family violence legal & non-legal supports
Legal advice & representation
Policy & law reform
Community legal education
Victims of crime compensation
The Central Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Unit (CAAFLU) is dedicated to providing culturally sensitive legal and support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals impacted by domestic and family violence and sexual assault. Our team, comprised of experienced lawyers and client service officers, is committed to delivering culturally appropriate assistance tailored to the unique needs of our community. Based in the Central Australia and Barkly regions, CAAFLU focuses on supporting victims of domestic and family violence by offering legal advice, representation, and a range of additional services. We understand the challenges faced by our clients and strive to empower them through compassionate and informed support. At CAAFLU, we are passionate about advocating for the rights and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, ensuring they have access to the justice system in a safe and respectful environment. Your journey matters to us, and we are here to help you navigate the path toward safety and healing.

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