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About A&J Painting
A&J Painting have been providing professional painting services across Canberra and surrounding regions for over fifteen years. Whether you have a residential or commercial property that needs interior or exterior painting, you've come to the right place! We understand that your property is one of your most valuable assets and as a result we offer a professional, cost-effective solution to your painting and decorating requirements. From painting your homes interior walls and ceiling, to the external roof and fence, we can do it all. Our attention to detail and artistic vision means that we always provide our clients with decorations that reflect their taste and style. Our team will work with you from concept through to completion to make certain that your space is exactly what you wanted. Our passion for excellence is second to none and you can trust the experts at A&J Painting Services to provide a range of attractive and stylish decorating options for your home or business. Get in touch with us today. If you would like a quote or have a painting enquiry you can call us on the below phone number during business hours or send us an email and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Residential Painting
Commercial Painting
Interior Painting
Exterior Painting
Interior Walls Painting
Ceiling Painting
Exterior Walls Painting
Roof Painting
Wall Patches & Repairs
Fences Painting
Sheds Painting
Pergolas Painting
Garages Painting
Timber Deck Staining
Colour Consultations
Water Damage Repairs
Free Quote
Dulux Accredited Painter
Timber Deck Maintenance
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Frequently Asked Questions
How long will my painting project take with A&J Painting?
The duration of a painting project depends on the size and complexity of the job. We provide an estimated timeline during the initial consultation.
Can A&J Painting help with color selection?
Yes, we offer color consultation services to help you choose the perfect colors for your space.
A&J Painting