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ABL2 Driving School

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About ABL2 Driving School

ABL2 Driving School provides you with all the driving training lessons that you need. With a combined experience of 20 years in the industry, we offer comprehensive driver training, highlighted by our Advanced & Defensive Driver Training and Life Skills courses. This Advanced & Defensive Driver Training seeks to help those who want to learn more than the basics of driving. This trains you on how to become an efficient driver while considering important factors like time and safety. We believe that our training will equip you with all the pre-requisites that you need to become the best driver. Because safety is our number one priority, ABL2 Driving School takes pride in the dual control vehicle that we use for both manual and automatic lessons. Our trainer, who has 12 years of experience as an ambulance driver, holds a Certificate IV in Driver Training and a Bachelor in Physical Education.


  • Driver training

  • Advanced & defensive driver training

  • Life skills course

  • Dual control vehicle

  • Manual & automatic lessons


4.2 rating

5 reviews

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Chantelle Roberts

8 years ago

Instructors are excellent, kind and caring with fantastic experience. My son passed his practical test first go at Tewantin. It was such a confidence booster having his last lesson in his own car. I cannot praise Renee and her team enough.


Williams Family

8 years ago

What better way to send your children into the world than with ABL2 driver training. With so much traffic on the road, and so many obstacles we never hesitated in getting our daughter some driving lessons. ABL2 were instrumental in educating our daughter on the finer details of driving. Of not only building up her confidence but to read other vehicles on the road which gives us confidence. Such a great course ran by great people. I highly recommend you give them a call, give your child a great start on the road.



8 years ago

Thank you Jess is getting more and more confident with driving so glad to have as you as a teacher. Keeping up with all the traffic gets a little daunting sometime even for an experienced driver, you have an amazing service well done.



8 years ago

ABL2 Driving School provide one of the best on the Coast in Advanced & Defensive Driver Training along with Life Skills Course, this will help you get out of any situation you may need assistance on the road when in trouble. Great service and course highly recommend it to all to take.


50 Woodcutter Rise, Pomona QLD

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  • 12yrs Ambulance Service

  • Cert IV in Driver Training

  • Bachelor of Physical Education

ABL2 Driving School
