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About AccessBars with Shennan Rae
Improved sleep and less stress or worry are some of the results from having a session in Access Bars. Access Bars sessions have allowed people: Better sleep patterns and more energy Depression reduced or gone completely Addicitons reduced or eliminated Easier to focus in school, less text anxiety More ease in front of groups, in performance situations Reduced or eliminated physical pains Easier births for pregnant women Calmer, more independent and happier kids Greater ease for those with ADHD, Autism, and OCD What is Access Bars? Access Bars is a simple, non-invasive energy process where the facilitator lightly touches points on the head to release energy. Receiving this process ie �having your bars run� usually leaves you with a sense of peace, space, and an awareness of more possibilities and choice. This is an incredibly dynamic process that can leave you at the least feeling refreshed and relaxed, as if you have had a deep restful sleep or a really great massage. At the best, it can change your life. Conscious Counselling with AccessBars Combine the 'Bars' touch with chatting out any issue going on in your life and see how much it can release it from your mind, your body and your life! AccessBars is assisting thousands of people globally to shift issues out of their lives. Book in today.
1hr or 1.5hr AccessBars� Therapy Session
Conscious Counselling
Conscious Mentoring Session on WellBeing, Body, Mind, Children, Parenting, Sex, Relationship, Money, Business and more!
Books and Audios Recordings:
You Are Magic Be It
Money is not the problem, You Are
Would You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree? A different take on kids with ADD, ADHD, OCD & Autism
Sex is Not a four letter word but relationship often times is
Conscious Parents Conscious Kids
Being You, Changing the World
The Penny Capitalist
Beyond The Utopian Ideal
Conscious Leadership
Divorceless Relationship
Right Riches For You
Right Body For You
No More Business As Usual
Salon de Femmes
The Utopian Ideal
Right Recovery for You
You Wouldn't Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree
Pragmatic Psychology
The Access Bars�
Counseling with Consciousness
Conscious Mentoring & Personal Life Coaching
Intuitive Energetic Body
The Access Bars
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Access Bars� Certified Facilitator
Access Body Process Facilitator
Certified Access Consciousness� Facilitator
AccessBars with Shennan Rae