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About Adrenalin Cheer and Dance
Adrenalin have been operating as a local sporting club in Mackay for the past 15 years. We train over 150 athletes every week in competitive divisions as well as offering casual classes for first time students. Adrenalin Cheer teaches from complete beginners right up to elite athletes in all the skills used in our sport - tumbling, stunting, dance, jumps and of course fitness! Welcome to exciting world of cheerleading.... Our club focus is on creating a 'team' environment where every student is treated equally and we want to see improvement, enthusiasm and generate an excitement and lifelong involvement with our sport as well as making some new friends along the way. All of our coaches were competitive athletes and don't just preach skills but have done the hard work themselves and know what the athletes feel and need to succeed and grow. We have had great past and present success with our training methods and choreography for our athletes. In years past Adrenalin have taken out numerous national titles, as well as placing and winning international championships for both cheerleading and hip hop.
We have a range of cheerleading and dance apparel for sale in office.
Competitive athletes have a full range of optional merchandise available.
Recreational Tiny Cheerleading Class 4-6yrs
Recreational Cheerleading Class (mixed age)
Recreational Beginner Tumbling Class (5yrs and over)
Recreational Skill Specific Tumbling Classes (Handspring/Saults/Walkovers)
Competitive teams for all - mini, semi-comp, novice & allstar teams Lvl 1-5
Competitive hip hop team (senior 11-18yrs)
Competitive Pom teams (senior 11-18yrs)
Semi-comp Cheersport Team - beginner athletes
Our competitive program has and continues to be highly successful
We compete regionally, nationally and internationally most years.
Adrenalin has won numerous titles at all levels of competition.
Dance school
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Our coaches are IASF certified and we have up to level 5 in our club.
Adrenalin Cheer and Dance