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About Aero Enterprise Australia
In January 2008 Aero Enterprise Aust Pty Ltd was formed when Aero Enterprise Pty Ltd was split into two companies and the Cairns facility began trading under the new name and under the ownership of Murray Ireland. Aero Enterprise Pty Ltd has been a market leader in airframe maintenance and component overhaul services for 30 years. Established in 1980 by Peter Cox and Murray Ireland, Aero Enterprise has established a strong reputation within the private, commercial and regular public service sectors of the general aviation market throughout Australia and the South Pacific Basin. Aero Enterprise is renowned for its commitment to responding to, and meeting customers' needs. All maintenance is undertaken in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) requirements and manufacturers' specifications under the company's internal quality control system. With clients throughout the South Pacific region, Aero Enterprise Aust is renowned for its customer service, innovation, expertise and flexibility, Aero Enterprise's areas of specialty include Lycoming and Continental engine, McCauley and Hartzell propeller overhaul and the overhaul of electrical components.
Electrical Components
Aircraft Equipment
Propeller Overhauls
Engine Overhauls
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