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HSC school program
Apprenticeship Training
Aviation Training
CASA Part 66 Licence Courses
HSC Training
Aircraft Life Support & Furnishing Training
Aircraft Line Maintenance Training
Aeroskills (Avionics) Training
Aeroskills (Mechanical) Training
Aviation (Cabin Crew) Training
Aeroskills (Aviation Engineering) Training
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does ATS do?
ATS was formed to provide quality maintenance training to the aviation industry both in Australia and throughout South East Asia. ATS delivers training over the entire range of industry requirements, from pre-apprenticeship to Licensed Aircraft maintenance Engineers (LAMEs). Further ATS provides training support via consultancy in a wide range of areas.
What makes ATS different from other training organisations?
ATS is proud of being unique within the Australian aviation industry with respects to its philosophy regarding aviation training. ATS is devoted to growing LAMEs from the ground up and so invests heavily in youth pre-apprenticeship training. ATS has a policy of following the careers of its students and offering further training as the need arises.
Aerospace Training Services