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About Alan Steggles Food Services
Alan Steggles Food Services was founded in 1987 by Alan and Beverly Steggles to supply freshly prepared potatoes and vegetable products to hospitals, nursing homes and the hospitality industry within the Newcastle and Sydney regions. In March 2017 Alan Steggles Food Services was purchased by Master Catering Services Holdings Pty Ltd, who are a leading manufacturer of chilled and frozen products to the Aged Care, Hospitality and Health industries. We at Alan Steggles Food Services source our fresh produce from local farmers and markets where possible. We buy our potatoes directly from the growers to ensure we have consistency in supply and quality. Under new management there has been significant capital expenditure, including new offices, coolrooms, freezers, IT and processing equipment. We pride ourselves on our level of customer care and service and strive to ensure that all customer's needs and expectations are fully satisfied if not exceeded. Alan Steggles Food Services is licensed with the NSW Food Authority and is fully HACCP accredited. Alan Steggles Food Services is able to deliver to the Greater Hunter region, Central Coast, Mid North Coast and Sydney on a regular basis in fully compliant refrigerated vehicles.
Processed Vegetables
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
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ABN: 12 003 352 387
Alan Steggles Food Services