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About All Abilities Mackay Inc
Our Charity was established in January 2011 by a local mother who's young child has Special Needs. We do not employ staff or rent office space. Our running costs are extremely low, and we have a sponsorship program for any promotional work we do. 100% of money donated supports locals who genuinely need help. Our group comprises of 170 members (and their families) with conditions including: Autism, Down syndrome, Multi-minnie core myopathy, Arthrogryposis, Intellectual Impairment, Aspergers, Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum/Cortical Vision Impairment, Tetrasomy X, Agenesis of the corpus Callosum, Polymicrogyria, cortical vision impairment, Refractory epilepsy, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (Auto Immune Disease), childhood cancer survivors, Global development delay, Intellectual impairment, Fragile x Syndrome, Smith-magenis-syndrome, Aspurges, Cerebal Palsy, Epilepsy, Spinal Injuries, RHETT syndrome, Disbraxic motor disorder, Cri-du-chat syndrome, William's syndrome, Micro-deletion of chromosomes, Cystic Fribrosis, Aspergers, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Turner syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis, Spina bifida, Dravet syndrome ... If you live in Mackay, and you care for someone with a disability, please contact Bec to see how you can join the fun.
Therapy Aids, Equipment & Toy Library (TAET) for children with disabilities.
Music Therapy Sessions
Kids Integrated Disability Support (K.I.D.S)
Down syndrome Support Group
Family FunDays
Scholarship Program
Ambassador Program
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Ways to Pay
Not-For-Profit for Charitable Purpose... Registered with the Office of Fair Trading, the ACNC & the ATO. DGR status = donations over $2 are tax deductible.
All Abilities Mackay Inc