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This is life-changing gift for your loved one in the occation of Birthday, Valentine's day, Anniversary,Mother's Day, Father's Day....
�%80%80All Aboard Private Piano Lessons Gift Voucher is special present.
Piano CD�%80%80Pieces Of Heaven
�%80%80It is the ideal gift for baby shower, a birth of a baby or a present for a mother or mother to be.Here are some facts about �Pieces of Heaven�:
�%80%80Pieces of Heaven� is a piano music CD that consists of 22 well known classical pieces created by composers such as, Chopin, Beethoven and �%80%80Mozart. The pieces are arranged with some instruments, such as harp, viola, bells, trumpet and horn.
�%80%80The collections have:
�%80%801. 60 bpm tempo
�%80%80It is beneficial for both the mother and the child from as early as prenatal care. It is also beneficial for the development of educational ability
�%80%802. 1�f spectra
�%80%80It is the rhythm that contains proper regulations and proper varieties. 1�f spectra is the same rhythm as heart beats and the�%80%80nature's�%80%80sound�%80%80such�%80%80as murmur of brook. Its rhythm relaxes the body and soul and generates warmth in spirit.
�%80%803. Melody with temperament arrangement
�%80%80It reduces the stress by invigorating the body from within.
�%80%80The piano collections are not only beautiful to listen to but they are also very good for body, soul and brain, especially for babies and children.
�%80%80Little children love to listen to beautiful classical music. They instinctively accept the perfect rhythm and harmony that's according to the nature's essential rhythm. Simply listen to a beautiful music everyday to boost the spirit and to cultivate a rich sentiment.
�%80%80Song list
�%80%801. Allegro Maestoso from Water Music Handel
�%80%802. Twinkle Little Stars Mozart
�%80%803. Adagio cantabile Beethoven
�%80%804. Minute Waltz Chopin
�%80%805. Rondo Iwasaki
�%80%806. Sonata Pastrale Beethoven
�%80%807. Traumerei Shumann
�%80%808. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Bach
�%80%809. Gymnopedie No.1 Satie
�%80%8010. Jupiter Holst
�%80%8011. To A Wild Rose MacDowell
�%80%8012. Ave verum Corpus Mozart
�%80%8013. Gloria Iwasaki
�%80%8014. Ave Maria Bach
�%80%8015. Canon in D Pachelbel
�%80%8016. Good tidings to Zion Handel
�%80%8017. Largo Handel
�%80%8018. Reminiscence Iwasaki
�%80%8019. Waltz op.69 � Farewell� Chopin
�%80%8020. Air on G-string Bach
�%80%8021. Fruhlingslied (Spring Song) Mendelssohn
�%80%8022. Sonatine Dussek
�%80%80Peace on Earth. . . or at least in your home. Give your baby a gift the whole family will enjoy: Pieces of Heaven. This collection of popular �%80%80classical music played by Teruko Iwasaki will delight, charm and calm your little ones. Even parents who think
private piano lessons
private piano lessons for all ages from beginners to advanced, classical music, pops, jazz. theory.
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All Aboard Private Piano Lessons