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About All People Matters
As a proud local who has travelled the globe I know that the Coffs Coast is the equal of anywhere in the world. We are brimming with talented and committed people who want to make a difference and successful Human Resources Management and Coaching is the key to businesses finding them and, more importantly, keeping them. But how, exactly, do they do that? It almost sounds too easy but it has been consistently demonstrated that the happier staff are the more reliable and productive they are and valuing and developing your staff is the key to that happiness. I specialise in providing an independent one-stop-shop to do just that, recruiting and selecting staff, providing performance appraisals and managing career goals so employers never have to worry about it, including those times when mediation and conflict resolution is required. The Commonwealth Parliamentary Library estimates that 46% of the total Australian workforce are women so I also offer Coaching for Women for those hoping to return to work. Yes, it can be a daunting prospect, but as a mother of three I know that with professional help to regain your confidence it's not only possible but also very rewarding. After all, we spend too much time at work not to be happy there! I operate as a completely outsourced HR Department for your business and provide the following services and more. Contact me for a fee discussion about how I can help your business.
Recruitment & Selection of Staff
Performance Appraisal Processes
Performance Management & Improvement
Succession Planning
Mediation & Conflict Resolution
Provision of Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Coaching for Women at Work (or returning to work)
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Ways to Pay
ABN: 35612 059 580
Diploma in Human Resources Management
Cert IV in Small Business Management
Inner Voyage Holistic Human Development (IVHHD)
International Institute of Complimentary Therapies (IICT)
All People Matters