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Colorbond Roofs
Metal Roofs
Roof Replacements
Roof Restorations
Gutter Repairs
Gutter Replacements
Gutter Cleaning
Roof Maintenance
Roof Repairs
Colorbond Roofing
Metal Roofing
Roof Plumbing
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Frequently Asked Questions
Should I use Zincalume or Colorbond for my roof?
This is really a question of what look you are after as the cost is very similar. Colorbond has Zincalume steel as its base and is then painted with multiple layers using patented methods that have been tried and tested in Australian conditions.
Should I replace or repair my roof?
This is a common question and fundamentally depends on two factors: how bad the existing roof is and your budget. The only way to know how bad the roof really is would be to get an un-biased professional opinion. Some companies only do roof replacements so they will only try and sell you a new roof. Some only do repairs and will tell you there’s a good 20 more years for your roof when actually it
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