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About Alliance Family Law Canberra
Our lawyers can help you with your separation, divorce, parenting agreements, property settlements, and other family law issues. We can help if you need a binding financial agreement (a prenup), and can refer you to our network of other businesses for financial planning, estate planning, conveyancing, or other services. We take pride in giving professional support to our clients during a difficult time. Contact us to discuss your situation and how we can help.
Separation and Family Law
Children and Parenting Orders
Property Settlement
Collaborative Law
Same Sex Separation
Pre-Nup; Binding Financial Agreement
German Speaking Family Lawyer
Mandarin Speaking Family Lawyer
Family Court
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Lodging a Caveat
Parenting Agreement Lawyers
Domestic Violence
Professional Seminars on Family Law
Document Preparation Services
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Property Division Agreements
Child Custody and Support Agreements
Divorce Representation
Mediation and Arbitration Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
What services does your firm offer?
Our firm offers a wide range of services related to family law, including separation, divorce, parenting, property settlement, and prenups.
How much do your services cost?
Whilst we do offer some fixed-price services, we normally charge based on the work we do. Costs will therefore vary depending on the specific case and the services required. We offer competitive rates and we provide a detailed cost estimate after a consultation. We will then work with you to keep costs down.
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