AED Sales and service | Accredited First Aid certificates and professional training courses completed in one day No pre-course study for our First Aid CPR, Childcare, Asthma, and Anaphylaxis, Advanced Resuscitation or Occupational first aid courses. | Advanced First Aid HLTAID006 | Advanced Resuscitation HLTAID007 | First Aid Kits and Supplies | HLT41115 - Certificate IV in Health Care | HLT50412 - Diploma of Paramedical Science (Ambulance) | HLTSS00063 - Advanced Paramedical Science Skill Set | International Paramedic College provides Paramedic education and training, supervised and supported clinical placements, paramedic education courses and event medical around Australia and the world, Local - National - Global. | Local First Aid Classes in Lismore Ballina Alstonville and Byron Bay