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About Amamoor State School
Amamoor State School is a great school. It's a place where learning is active, supportive and interesting. Our school has a dedicated education support team who are all aware of the importance that the relationship between home and school represents for the success of student learning. Trust, respect with positive and meaningful communication, is held in high regard in this school community. Teacher and parent contact is important for these relationships to build to provide the best opportunities for the students. Our school currently has three multi-age co-educational classes with an enrolment of approximately 72 students. As with small rural communities this enrolment can fluctuate during the course of the school year. The staff and the P&C are unified in our desire and dedication to making the school surroundings as safe, healthy, attractive and learning friendly as possible. We offer all the essential learning areas in keeping with the 'Smart State' philosopy and Department of Education, Training & The Arts (EQ) syllabus directions. Our curriculum programmes, staff and community provide a quality values basis education and a tolerant, disciplined safe environment for all students to undertake their school based learning. Amamoor State School is well staffed to deliver essential basics as well as up to date technologies, ensuring that our students are well prepared for a diversity of employment futures in a networked and culturally diverse society.
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Amamoor State School