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About Ancestry Austria offers a professional, in-depth genalogical research service focused exclusively on tracing your heritage anywhere in Austria. If you are curious about your Austrian roots but are - not sure how and where to start your research, unable to access or decipher old records, or simply too busy to gather all the information yourself, then let us help you to create your perfect family history / family tree. The resulting document may give you great personal satisfaction, it may be an ideal gift for your loved ones or it may form the foundation for writing the biography or memoirs you have been meaning to create for some time.
Ancestry / Genealogy Research for Austria / Bohemia pre-1900
Initial research is free of charge! (We find one generation - e.g.: mother and father of one of your specified ancestors)
Additional research is reasonably priced depending on depth of information required.
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G & G Kronberger, trading as Ancestry Austria
ABN 44 373 035 176
Ancestry Austria