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About Arcoessence
In Essence... Our business name developed by combining 'arco' from architecture - meaning to bow or arch - for us, to serve. Then 'essence' to get to the core or distinctive feature of something. Two ideas we endeavour to achieve in our work. The Arcoessence logo is derived from a logarithmic spiral, generated by golden mean geometry, this is repeated abundantly in nature. The spiral is contained in a circle, considered by the ancients as perfect geometry, a symbol of wholeness and completion. Our Logo therefore is a symbol of our design inspiration. For 35 years our goal has been to create harmonious living conditions, through a wholistic view of design and construction, while actively promoting health & wellbeing of the occupants. It is important to note that the wide range of styles demonstrated in our work reveals a versatility to satisfy clients desires, even though many say our 'thumbprint' remains evident! Our strength is not to slavishly follow current styles or magazine trends. Our timeless & unique results are generally achieved by: � A strong focus on responding to each clients goals and desires, while balancing these with the intended budget. � Concepts that consider the balance between the user's requirements, and care for the environment. � Accepting the uniqueness of each location, using careful siting to create a relationship of harmony and flow between building, landscape, and people. � Sound design principles with an emphasis on form and proportion. � Consideration of solar, energy, reduced running costs, and 'eco' principles possible. � Where possible selection of low toxicity building materials.
Architectural Services
Interior Design
Landscape Design
Feng Shui
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Architect Registration Number: 4451
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