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Workcover Claims
Public Liability Claims
Superannuation TPD Claims
Personal Injury Claims
Insurance Claims
Employment Law
Comcare Claims
TAC Accident Claims
Asbestos Compensation Claims
Injuries Caused By Negligence
Victims Of Crime Applications
WorkCover Claims Assessment
Lump Sum Compensation Payments
Disputing WorkCover Decisions
Victims Of Crime Claims
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Law Institute of Victoria Accredited Specialists
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have to make a TAC claim?
You have one year to lodge a TAC claim after your motor vehicle accident. There are certain circumstances in which this can be extended, however the safest course is to call the TAC and begin the claims process within one year of the date of your accident.
The car accident was someone else’s fault. Can I sue for my injuries?
Where injuries are long term and serious you can make a claim for loss of income and pain and suffering damages. But you must be able to prove that your injury was someone else’s fault, either the other driver or someone else. You need Specialist legal advice to pursue a claim against someone for damages.
Arnold Dallas McPherson Lawyers Bendigo