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About Arrive Alive Driver Training
Arrive Alive Driver Training provide extensive driving lessons in Newcastle and Hunter area. We introduce new driving skills and defensive driving techniques that help our students become responsible drivers. We also reinforce existing driving skills of students who only need refresher courses and updates on new road rules and safety driving. We teach the skills necessary to arrive alive, particularly to students who are nervous to get behind the steering wheel. We are one of the few driving schools in the area that offers disability driver training and rehabilitation driver training lessons. You can choose whether you feel more comfortable with a male or a female instructor. No matter whom you choose, all of our instructors are highly skilled and expertly trained to teach produce quality drivers, who are knowledgeable and respectful of traffic rules and regulations and the right driving attitude. If you're looking for a driving school in Newcastle that will help you enhance your driving skills, call Arrive Alive Driver Training today to book your lessons.
Single driving lessons or packages
Training and assessment of driving skills
Training and assessment for people with disability
Driving & training specialists
Auto & manual vehicles
Dual controls
Male & female instructors
Rehabilitation driver training
Rehabilitation driver training
Left foot accelerator
Hand controls
Electronic spinner knob
4 rating
2 reviews
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Certificate 4 in work place training
University of Sydney Faculty of Health Sciences in Driver Rehabilitation
Arrive Alive Driver Training