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About ASD Healthy Life
Need assistance with your diet to alleviate or manage a medical condition through nutritional therapy? At Nutrition Solutions Mackay we specialise in nutritional consultation to promote optimal health and well-being. It is no secret nutritional therapy is effective against certain health conditions. We have seen remarkable results from clients with severe health conditions such a diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, gastrointestinal conditions, obesity and mental health afflictions. People can turn their poor health around with a sound nutritional foundation and effectively change their lives. At Nutrition Solutions Mackay we can help get your diet right. There is no guesswork. No gimmicks. No one-size-fits-all. We tailor your daily nutrition to meet your specific needs. Your journey starts with a nutritional consultation where our qualified practitioner will evaluate your current diet and gauge your daily needs. Based on your requirements and current physical condition our practitioner will design a nutritional program to assist you in achieving your goals. Whether it is for weight loss or to aid a health condition, we will design an effective nutritional program for you that if followed correctly will steer you along the path to better health. Remember this nutritional program is customised to fit your specific needs so you can rest assured you will receive maximum results. Penny Dawes is a qualified nutritional practitioner who also spent 18 years working as a nurse. Penny has also gained qualifications in psychology. She is also proficient in natural medicine diagnostic techniques.
Nutritional consultation
Dietary evaluation
Natural medicine diagnostic techniques
Tailored nutritional program
Nutritional education
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Ways to Pay
BHSc (Nut Med)
Certificate in Psychology
Qualified Nurse
ASD Healthy Life