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About Audioviz
Audioviz transfer a wide range of media including VHS, VHS-C, MiniDV, HD MiniDV, Video-8, Digital-8, 16mm, regular & super 8mm film, Hi-8, Betamax, & phone camera � SD Card footage to DVD or USB, or Portable Hard Drives. Our video transfer prices range from $10 - $25 depending on the duration of each tape, & film transfers are $15 per 50ft reel. Discounts for bulk orders and seniors also apply.
VHS, Betamax, Hi8, digital-8, Video-8, MiniDV tapes transferred to DVD, Bluray, or other digital formats.
Super 8 film, standard 8mm film, 16mm film transferred to DVD, Bluray or other digital formats.
Iphone/Android/Camera footage transferred to DVD.
Video & Audio editing services.
Slideshows for special occasions.
Tech/IT Support (no callout fees for Sunshine Coast)
Personal tuition (computer software, Electronic devices.
High quality film transfers at affordable prices.
Budget video editing services (band film clips, Promotional media, corporate videos).
Free over the phone tech support.
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ABN: 29539239117