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About AusStyle Roofing
AusStyle Roofing specialises in new metal roofs and metal roof replacements within the NSW Central Coast, Sydney's North Shore and Newcastle areas. AusStyle roofing can replace any roof with a new Colorbond or Zincalume roof. Most of our clients require domestic re-roofs or industrial and commercial roof replacements. AusStyle Roofing has come to specialise in roof replacements, through years of experience. Access to properties can often be difficult, the roofs can be steep and properties can be many stories but AusStyle Roofing have all the necessary qualifications to complete the job regardless of difficulty and that includes homes with extensions, which can often be a little unusual in the roofing department! In short very few roof replacement jobs are the same. AusStyle has carried out roof reports for customers whose new roofs look worse than the one that was replaced due to selecting the wrong contractor. Don't make the mistake of accepting the quote purely on price! Make sure the roofing contractor is licensed and experienced and that they provide you with the information on the products to be used. (Asking for local references is one good way to check). Check the type of material and its warranty has been included in the quote. There are more and more imported materials these days and whilst most of it probably meets Australian Standards by buying Australian Made Colorbond or Zincalume for your new roof you are guaranteed of the highest quality product. Australian zincalume comes with a manufacturer's warranty of 20 years and Colourbond's warranty is 25 years. These are tried, tested and proven materials for Australian conditions as well as looking great!
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Roof plumbing 189179c
ABN 37107519407
AusStyle Roofing