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About Australian Business Deans Council
The ABDC’s aim is to make business schools even better. As their peak body, ABDC’s role is to ensure that those with political, social, cultural and economic influence appreciate and support how business education contributes to Australia’s future.
Business & Professional Organizations
Cigarette Promotion
Visitor Experience
SA Home Loans
Corporate Transparency
Foster Carers
Laotian Farmers
Climate Change Tourism
Transport Investment
Refugee Entrepreneurs
Customer Data
Sexual Harassment
Seafood Consumption
Digital Dispute Resolution
Sporting Membership
Water Management
Nurse Retention
Economics Of Arts & Culture
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can supporting letters in submissions be from academics outside the Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) region, in accordance with the Australian Business Deans Council?
Yes if from truly ‘eminent scholars’ in the relevant field.
Are submissions accepted from visiting scholars to ANZ institutions in accordance with the Australian Business Deans Council?
A submission is acceptable from an individual academic or groups of like-minded academics with formal affiliation(s) to a university(ies) based in ANZ. However please note each signatory must have a relevant minimum of 0.5 FTE position with their affiliated university.
Australian Business Deans Council