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About Australian Sustainable Energy
Australian Sustainable Energy (ASE) is a proud FNQ based company who prides itself as setting the benchmark as leading the field in on and off-grid renewable energy solutions. Established in Queensland in 2008, ASE are experts within the renewable energy space and specialise in the following areas. Solar and Battery Storage solutions within the residential and commercial markets. Energy Management Consulting, Maintenance and Monitoring Services. Distributors of Portagrid Power Systems (portable power systems). Medium and Large Scale Solar Farms. ASE has in the last 12 months alone, 1.15MW of solar, including the Major Electrical components and Grid Integration of a 5MW Solar Farm Far North Qld. ASE uses the latest technology in all of our installations. This includes the world's #1 brand of Microinverters, solar panels and batteries. ASE provides Engineering Design, Project Management, Construction Management, Construction Services, System Maintenance, Monitoring and Technical Services for systems of any size and scale.
Residential and Commercial On-Grid Solar and Energy Storage Systems
Off-Grid Renewable Energy - Distributor of Portagrid systems
Energy Management Consulting
Large Scale Solar & EPC Services
Residential and Commercial On-Grid Solar & Energy Storage Systems
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Direct Debit
Licensed Electrical Contractor Qld
Clean Energy Council accredited designer and installer
Member Australian Solar Council
Member NECA
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