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About Awesome Water Mackay
We provide an easy, budget friendly alternative to buying bottled water or putting up with the taste of your tap water. Simply fill up with tap water. The advanced 8 stage activated carbon filtration system takes all the nasties out of your tap water, puts back much needed trace elements and gives you awesome tasting water - icy cold, on tap. We service both business & residential customers, you can choose to rent, or buy ou right. We also provide full after sale service to ensure you get scheduled filter changes & service of you water cooler. Awesome Water systems are cost effective, convenient, space saving and environmentally friendly. We have been operating in the water filtration industry in the Mackay region since 2010 and being a Local owner-operated business means that you can be assured of fast, reliable and personal service. We service all suburbs in Mackay and also service from Sarina in the South, to Moranbah in the west, to Bowen in the North. We keep over 1000 customers happily hydrated with our awesome products and service.
Activated carbon water filters & coolers
Fluoride removing filters
Plumbed in filters
Rental agreements
Filter changes & services
Service & maintenance plans
Maintenance & service calls
Fluoride removing filters
Plumbed-In water coolers
Free quotes
Filtration systems
Activated carbon
Remove chemicals
Adds potassium
Activated carbon water filtration systems
Outright Sales & BuyNowPayLater
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Mount Pleasant QLD
Ways to Pay
After Pay
Direct Debit
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much are your filtration systems?
We have a variety of models available: - refillable or plumbed-in - bench top or floor models - cold, ambient or hot View Product & Pricing information Rent, buy outright, or BuyNowPayLater (Afterpay, ZipPay, PayPal-in-4) Rentals start from $25 per fortnight, the most popular model is $595 outright.