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Awesome Water Wide Bay Water Filters

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About Awesome Water Wide Bay Water Filters

Betty Charteris is the only distribution and servicing agent for Specialized Water systems & Awesome Water in the Wide Bay Area. Covering from Agnes Waters to Yandina out to Kingaroy. For the last 20 years she has been supplying Benchtop Water Purifiers with the seven stage filtration system built with Maifan Mineral Stones. Using only Food Grade BPA-free materials it produces great tasting water that is a mild Alkaline Base pure water, that your body and soul will grow on. With Betty's Specialized Water systems the main under bench Ball cock �T� system has a pressure limiting valve to enable the water to flow at the correct pressure through the pre filter then through the Chemical filter up to the bench Faucet. The Maifan stone filter system reduces the effects of heavy metals and increases the PH level of town or tank water to a mild Alkaline level. All Fungus, Algae and Bacteria cannot thrive in an Alkaline environment. The 7 stage process starts with Prefilter Felt pads requiring replacement from time to time (Betty is experienced in doing this so you don't need to worry). Ask her about how the Active cardon stage works as well as the Mineral Balls and how often they need replacing. Stages 4 & 5 have Coral sand and another layer of Active Carbon. The final stages of water purity is 6 & 7 with more mineral balls and a Ceramic block Antibacterial filter.that gives an overall reduction of particles as small as 0.5 Microns. Also available are the freestanding water coolers that can be rented for a very moderate monthly fee that includes maintenance. You will never have to buy water again with this free standing stylish water bubbler. The specialised water systems include all services and maintenance with NO HIDDEN costs. Using the easy to maintain bottle system they are hygienically sealed and backed by a comprehensive warranty and maintenance agreement.


  • Bench top Water Purifier, Awesome Water Coolers, Specialized Water Systems, Under Sink Water Filtration,


  • Under Sink Water Filtration Sales, Under Sink Water Filtration Installations,Under Sink Water Filtration Maintenance, Sales Water systems, Rental Water Systems, Installations Water Purification Systems, Maintenance office Water Bubblers, Sales Water Fountains, Rental Water Bubblers, Replacement Parts, Parts & Service, Water Cartridge Sales. Replacement Water Filters,

  • Delivery and Maintenance servicing in Office Locations.


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7 Buchan Ct, Bundaberg QLD

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  • ABN 70 564 740 995

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