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About Aztech Services
Aztech Services has established a reputation for providing a professional service and meeting the highest safety standards for asbestos removal. Our Mackay office is a full service branch and provides the following services to customers throughout North Queensland: If you would like a quotation or would like to discuss how we can assist with identifying and safely removing asbestos, please contact us on 1300 722 511 today or complete the Online Enquiry form. To help us to give you the most accurate quote it will be of great assistance if you can identify and measure what material needs to be removed. Any reports and photos can also be helpful during the quotation process. OUR AREAS OF SERVICE We provide asbestos removal services to customers through North Queensland from our Mackay office. We regularly travel to areas where asbestos is commonly found in homes and commercial / industrial buildings such as Bowen, Airlie Beach, Proserpine and similar areas. WHY CHOOSE US? Aztech Services can provide you with a safe and a professional method to remove asbestos and always strive to improve our services with a follow up call from our after sales service team. We are very focused on business etiquette and specialise in working with builders, demolishers, homeowners and various government departments. We have the knowledge, capability, capacity and experience to gain your trust when it comes to the removal of asbestos. We pride ourselves on having an excellent track record regarding safety and efficiency from most recent completed works. We have an excellent relationship with Workplace Health and Safety and are well known for our commitment to the safety of our workers, clients and the public. We can remove any type of asbestos material, from the smallest residential works to some of the biggest government projects. Mackay is well known for its beautiful historic architectural houses and buildings and we always strive to work with extra care to keep the 'heritage' factor alive when working on these sites. ABOUT AZTECH SERVICES Initially established on the Gold Coast, Aztech Services has expanded its operation with offices in Mackay and many other parts of the country to become Australia's leading asbestos removal specialists. We are involved in the local Mackay community, participating in various local initiatives. We are a proud sponsor of the Souths League club with the emphasis on given back to the community and also be a possible future 'employer' for local talent. Aztech also participate in in supporting charities in local communities and have been a generous donor to the Fred's 'Vision' Hollows Foundation for the last couple of years. BRIEF HISTORY ON ASBESTOS IN THE MACKAY REGION In 1860, an enterprising Irishman John McCrossin selected 20-year-old Scot, John Mackay, to lead an expedition to seek pastoral opportunities and they came across the coastal ranges, now known as the Pioneer Valley. Within a few years' sugar became the dominant industry and more recently, the hinterland coal mining developments and the tourist industry have added to Mackay's solid economic base. The prosperity and confidence of the city is reflected in the fine older buildings. Many of the city's historic buildings were lost to devastating fires, to the notorious cyclone on January 1918 and to progress. Over many years as Mackay developed, different suburbs were identified as high and medium asbestos risk suburbs for some building materials that was used contained asbestos. The suburbs we would identify as high risk asbestos suburbs in Mackay are Andergrove, Bucasia, Cremome, East Mackay, Mackay Harbour, North Mackay, Paget, Racecourse, Slade Point, South Mackay and West Mackay. The medium risk asbestos suburbs are Bakers Creek, Beaconsfield, Blacks Beach, Dolphin Heads, Erakala, Foulden, Glenella, Mount Pleasant, Nindaroo, Ooralea, Rural View, Shaol Point. As a general rule of thumb, if your house was built in: • Before the mid-1980s, it is highly likely to have been built with some asbestos containing materials. • Between the mid-1980s and 1990, it is likely to have been built with some asbestos containing materials. • After 1990, it is highly unlikely (but possible) that it was built with any kind of asbestos containing materials. To discuss your asbestos removal requirements, please contact us on 1300 722 511 today or complete the Online Enquiry form.
Commercial asbestos removal services
Industrial & residential asbestos removal
Mould removal
Soil remediation
Contamination removal
Waste removal
Pre-demolition remediation
Civil & contaminated land management
Emergency response
Facility management
Asbestos removal specialists
Mould removal specialists
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