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About Bakhash Safety
Director, Ben Bakhash is an electrical tradesman and holds a Certificate IV in Workplace Health and Safety. Vance Martin is a diesel tradesman with a Graduate Diploma in Mining. Vance has 28 years' experience in the Mining sector specializing in Maintenance, Major Projects and Contracts Management. Mick Bakhash is the company's safety consultant with 50 years in the mining industry, a fitter and turner background and 30 years safety and training. The Administration duties, including RTO compliance are carried out by family members, Lisa, with 30 years in education and Danielle with a Diploma in Business and Certificate IV Trainer and Assessor.
Enter and Work in Confined Spaces RIIWHS202D
Gas Test Atmospheres and Issue Work Permits MSMWHS217 and MSMPER300
Work Safely At Heights RIIWHS204D
Conduct Local Risk Control RIIRIS201D
Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry (White Card) CPCCWHS1001
Conduct Manual Tasks Safely HLTWHS005
Providing Safety and Training Solutions
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
ABN: 23 963 307 473
Bakhash Safety