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About Barnes Built Pty Ltd-Peter Barnes
Professional and reliable building services are just a phone call away when you book an appointment with Barnes Built Pty Ltd-Peter Barnes. Our team have more than 2 decades of combined industry experience. Established in 1992, we specialise in home building and renovations. Our highly skilled builders can do renovations and extensions for bathroom renovations, kitchens, and outdoor areas such as decks and pergolas. We also have builders who specialise in new bathrooms, new homes, and new kitchens. To make sure that we consistently deliver excellent services to our clients, our team uses high quality building tools, equipment, and the latest machinery that are all environmentally friendly. Additionally, we take pride in having fully insured TAFE teachers who qualify in construction and have been certified for training and development. We cater to clients who want personalised and hands-on service - from design to construction to delivering the finished products.
Building tools
Building equipment
Up-to-date machinery—high quality & environment-friendly
Renovations & extensions
New homes
Outdoor areas—new & renovated
Personalised service such as hands-on design & construction
Old-style work alongside our clients
4.5 rating
2 reviews
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Ways to Pay
HIA Member
QLD & NSW licenced
Fully Qualified Builder & Carpenters
Fully Insured
Cert 4 Training & Assessment
Tafe Teacher Qualified in Construction
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