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About Batrosa Concrete Tanks
UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Batrosa Concrete Products is the largest independent locally owned and operated precast manufacturer in North Queensland, with a site that covers over 11,500m2. Operating in the Mackay area for over 60 years, Batrosa clients include Local Councils, Contractors, Mines and Major Civil Engineering Firms, as well as Local Farmers and Domestic Trade. With the ability to manufacture customised precasting and one-off specialised orders, Batrosa is able to meet most customer requirements with a prompt and reliable service. We also have large stockholdings of standard products and our crane truck is available to deliver and unload on your site, if so required. Batrosa Concrete Products comply with Australian Standards and are Main Roads compliant. Batrosa Concrete Products Quality Management System ensures all products are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. Batrosa designs and manufactures a diverse range of products for the civil, industrial, agricultural, domestic and mining industry. No job is too big or too small for us.
Septic tanks
Water tanks
Holding tanks
Precast pits
Box culverts
Manhole components
Stock troughs
Feed lot troughs
Custom built designs
Evapo-Rust Australian Distributor
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Batrosa Concrete Tanks