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About Bauer Chiropractic Centre
At the Bauer Chiropractic Centre in Mount Louisa, we offer a comprehensive range of services to help relieve your pain and increase your mobility. Our Townsville chiropractors offer services to help with lower back and neck pain, headaches, sciatica, pinched nerves and disc injuries. If you are suffering from pins and needles or numbness, our team will provide you with a personalised service to help address the underlying cause of the discomfort, not just the symptoms. If back pain is preventing you from living life to the fullest, be sure to arrange an appointment at the Bauer Chiropractic Centre. Our staff will strive to accommodate patients requiring urgent services as quickly as possible. In addition to providing traditional massage services, our staff apply low force techniques as well as trigger point therapy. Your comfort is our priority, and we will provide you with the service that will best help relieve your specific condition. To find out more about our services, or to book an appointment, call the Bauer Chiropractic Centre today.
Low back pain
Neck pain
Disc injuries
Pinched nerves
Pins & needles
Chiropractic care
New patients
Low force techniques
Traditional manipulation massage
Muscle trigger point therapy massage
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Ways to Pay
Chiropractors Association of Australia
Chiropractic and Osteopathic College of Australasia
Bauer Chiropractic Centre