BDG Restumping & Raising
Trading for 16 years

About BDG Restumping & Raising
If you're looking for a reliable contractor to reclaim space in your house or replace foundation stumps, the qualified professionals at BDG Restumping & Raising are here to take care of the job for you. If you are continually seeing cracked interior walls, uneven floors, or doors and windows that are not functioning properly, your house might be in need of restumping. We specialise in restumping all types of houses, and can partially replace existing problem stumps. Restumping, replacing stumps or raising houses should be carried out by experienced professionals who guarantee excellent service at all costs. DG Restumping & Raising is the Bundaberg team who can provide just that. We understand the value of your assets, so you can rely on us to provide quality completion on every job. Give our friendly professionals a call today!
House Restumping
Stump Replacing
Cracked Interior Wall Repairs
Uneven Floor Repairs
Door Repairs
House Raising
Stump Adjustments
Window Repairs
Professional Services
Free Quotes
Foundation Stump Replacing
Partially Replacing Problem Stumps
Steel Column Raising
Timber Stump Replacing
Steel Beam Erections
House Re-Levelling
Portal Frame Levelling
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Goodwood QLD
Ways to Pay
QBCC Licence No : 1178366
QBSA Licenced
Frequently Asked Questions
What services does BDG Restumping & Raising offer?
BDG Restumping & Raising offers house restumping & raising, stump replacing & adjustments, cracked interior walls, uneven floors and more.
How do we contact BDG Restumping & Raising?
You can contact BDG Restumping & Raising at 0424 31 6265.
BDG Restumping & Raising