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About BeCivil Earthworks
BeCivil is your local Nowra earthworks specialist. We offer excavation, levelling, access trails, footings, piers, rock walls, fire breaks, site cuts and much more. Whether you need trenching, drainage work or a new driveway, BeCivil can get the job done right, fast. Our Nowra civil works experts can take on residential, commercial, rural, domestic and industrial jobs. To provide the highest standard of work for all the civil projects we take on, our team use only the most reliable equipment. This includes rubber track Bobcats, 4 and 8 tonne excavators, 12 tonne tippers and a site dumper. Our excavators can be equipped with numerous heads and attachments depending on the job being undertaken. Laser levelling is another area we specialise in. Call BeCivil for a quote today. We take on jobs throughout Shoalhaven, including Nowra, Ulladulla, Huskisson. Our team also services Tomerong.
Excavation services
House site & levelling
Access trails
Footings & piers
Rock walls
Fire breaks
Site cuts
Drainage clearing
Driveways clearing
House footing & foundations
Pool excavations
Retaining walls
Hazard reduction
Site preparation
Seep away & reln trenches
Erosion & sediment control
Tree & stump removal
Septic tank holes
Water tank pads
Turf preparations
Residential earthmoving services
Industrial earthmoving services
Laser levelling
Rubber tracked bobcats-low impact
Rubber track bobcats hire
Excavators- 4-tonne & 8-tonne hire
12-tonne tippers hire
Multiple attachments hire
Augers & hammers hire
Site dumper hire
Laser grader dual axis hire
Auger hire
Sieve buckets hire
Rotary hoes hire
Harley rakes hire
Slashers hire
Grader hire
Hydraulic brooms hire
Dual drum rollers hire
5 1/2 & 10 tonne excavators with tilting hitches hire
Hydraulic grabs hire
House sites clearing
Stump & tree removal
Turf preparation
Earthmoving machinery hire
Commercial earthmoving services
Excavation machinery hire
4.5 rating
2 reviews
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Tomerong NSW
Ways to Pay
NSW RFS tree felling
Licence number: 239860C
High risk licence
White card
Asbestos awareness certificate
Endeavour energy licence
Safe work NSW
NSW forestry ticket
Roading & sediment control
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of retaining walls does BeCivil Earthworks construct?
The best material is the one that suits your style & budget. Treated pine or concrete sleepers. Gabion cages, stacked stone, sandstone blocks or a poured wall are a few options. They all have advantages and disadvantages. Access & the slope you're trying to retain could be part of the discussion in marking your decision.
I'm worried about potential bushfires. What can BeCivil Earthworks do to help?
A firebreak is just what it sounds like. It's an area with little or no vegetation, including bushes and grasses, that is there to break the fire's trajectory. Since fire can't burn in soil, the less vegetation you have in an area, the better the chance you will be able to prevent the spread.
BeCivil Earthworks