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About Benchmark Accounting Solutions
With Benchmark, there's no more squeezing in your business around finance matters. We come to your office, home or other local meeting place at a time that suits you, so you can fit your accounting around your income earning activities. If you have or are considering a Self Managed Super Fund, we can help you with establishing and managing your fund, including monthly reports and pension strategies and advice. We are committed to forming close partnerships with our clients, enabling us to understand your unique situation and customise the assistance we provide to suit your requirements. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our hardworking team and the exceptional service we offer.
Preparation of Income Tax Returns
Preparation of Business Activity Statements
End of Year Tax Planning Strategies
ATO Debt Negotiations
Finance Proposals
Business Structure Advice
Asset Protection Strategies
Budgeting & Cashflow Preparation
Business Growth & Monitoring
Company & Trust Strategies & Advice
Business Valuations
Assistance with Accounting Software Packages
Certified Public Accountants
Business advisors
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants
Certificate of Public Practice
Certified ProAdvisor for Quickbooks Online
Benchmark Accounting Solutions