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About Blueprint Planning
Blueprint Planning is a town planning consultancy with expertise in statutory planning and environmental assessment servicing NSW and Victoria. Our aim is to streamline your land use/development approvals process by ensuring sufficient documentation is prepared to: - increase outcome certainty; and - shorten approval time. Most of our work comes via referrals from development industry associates and repeat customers who know and value our 'results oriented' and plain-English approach. Our clients include builders, architects, developers, accountants, lawyers, financial planners, real estate agents, construction companies, retailers, farmers, and other private and public sector companies requiring 'turn key' town planning approval/permit solutions for their or their client's projects. Our work includes any land use or development project which requires prior consent or a permit from a council or government agency. Our ready human resources and corporate knowledge of the development industry allow us to respond quickly to client's needs.
Advice, Appeals, Design, Development Approvals, Development Proposals, Due Diligence, Environmental Studies, Expert Witness, Feasibility Studies, Master Planning, Planning Applications, Planning Assessments, Project Management, Statutory Planning, Subdivisions
Planning advice
Project management
Advocacy and expert evidence
Blueprint Planning also specialises in town planning submissions for Local Environmental Plan or Planning Scheme amendments
Specialist advisors
Blueprint Planning has alliances with specialist advisors to assist the resolution of multi-disciplinary outcomes, including:
Aboriginal cultural heritage and archaeology
Statutory planning and environmental assessment
Planning, environment, or local government legal advice or advocacy
Land survey and subdivision plans
Building design/architectural drafting
Civil engineering
Traffic engineering
Acoustic assessment
Air quality assessment
Landscape architecture and design
Flood mapping
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ISO9001, Certified Practicing Planners, Member Planning Institute of Australia
Blueprint Planning