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About Boambee Chiropractic
Boambee Chiropractic is a family based chiropractic office delivering conservative high quality chiropractic care to the local community. Our aim is to help sick people get well without the use of medication or surgery.
Same day appointments
World class facilities
Qualified chiropractor
Complementry therapies
Initial consultation
Second consultation
Ongoing consultation
Sciatica theraphy
Spinal manupulation
Neck pain treatment
Back pain treatment
Manage sports related injuries
5 rating
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Ways to Pay
B.Sc (Syd), M. Chiropractic (Macq)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can children and infants receive chiropractic care?
Yes, chiropractic care can be appropriate for children and infants. Children may benefit from chiropractic care for conditions such as colic, ear infections, bedwetting, postural issues, and sports injuries. Pediatric chiropractors use gentle techniques specifically designed for young patients.
Does chiropractic care only involve spinal adjustments?
While spinal adjustments are a primary focus of chiropractic care, it is not the sole aspect of treatment. Chiropractors also employ various other techniques to promote healing and optimize overall musculoskeletal health.