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About Boral Asphalt Coffs Harbour
Boral Asphalt is a leader in asphalt paving, pavement construction and maintenance. National supplier of asphalt products and materials for surfacing and maintenance of road networks with high standard of engineering expertise. Road technology, product durability, quality and technical service. Boral is the largest vertically-integrated construction materials company in Australia. Our network includes prized quarry and cement infrastructure, bitumen, construction materials recycling, asphalt and concrete batching operations. We employ about 9,000 employees and contractors across our operations that span more than 360 sites nation-wide. For more than 75 years we’ve been building something great in Australia - rarely a day goes by that you wouldn’t pass one of our sites or trucks, enter a building, use a road, bridge, tunnel, footpath or other critical infrastructure that our people and products have helped enable.
INNOVO system
Ultrapatch asphalt
GATT surfacing
Warmpave asphalt
Surface coat
Bulk emulsion tanks
Dense graded asphalt
Emulsion spray seals
Hot spray seals
LoNoise™ asphalt
Open graded asphalt
Stone mastic
Architects-CPD training
Concrete placing
Innovation factory
Boral material technical services
Circular materials solution
Concrete from boral connects
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Ways to Pay
Quality Management System to ISO 9001:2015
Environmental Mgmt System to ISO 14001:2015
OH&S Management System to AS/NZS 4801:2001
Frequently Asked Questions
Who works at a Cement Plant/Operation at Boral Asphalt Coffs Harbour ?
A wide variety of roles are undertaken at a cement works, ranging from operators to tradespeople, logistics workers, scientists, management and administration. The cement works is operated from a central control room via an array of computers and monitors showing live images from parts of the plant. Operators work in shifts to manage and monitor the flow of product through the kiln continuously.
How do you protect against dust emissions at the cement works at Boral Asphalt Coffs Harbour?
Dust at a cement works can be generated from the raw materials used in production (limestone, shale, coal and so on), or can occur as ‘fugitive’ dust on the hard surfaces and roads of the site. Several measures are in place to reduce the possibility of dust emissions escaping from raw materials during their loading, unloading and storage.
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