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About Border Brewing Supplies
Border Brewing Supplies stock a range of home brewing equipment and supplies for sale in the Tweed Coast region.
Brewing supplies & equipment
Beers and kits
Yeasts & consumables
Brew accessories
Cheese making
Brewing Supply Store
In-store Shopping
In-store Pick-up
We stock a large range of spirit essences
Full range of Still spirit and Edwards essences
Home Brewing
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Use a Hydrometer?
A hydrometer is used for testing the specific gravity (SG) of what you are fermenting. You do this by taking a sample out through the tap of your fermented product in to a test tube. Remove your airlock first so that the water is not sucked into your fermenter. Give the hydrometer a spin and wait for it to stop moving.
How Soon Can I Drink My Beer?
A few things will determine how soon after bottling you can drink your beer. Some beers will mature quicker than others. Usually, the more expensive beers that use a better quality yeast will mature and age quicker than the cheaper ones. Storage area and temperature are also vital to improving the speed with which your bottles of precious amber ale mature.
Border Brewing Supplies