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About Bowen Health Therapy
Katrina at Bowen Health Therapy provides consultations in Bowen Therapy and Nationally Recognised Training in Certificate IV Bowen Therapy 10533NAT and Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy 10534NAT through Bowen Training Australia RTO 41134 in Port Stephens. Katrina is committed to providing a supportive, caring environment for all our clients. From infants to the aged and frail, for all those aches and pains, everybody is better with Bowen Therapy. Bowen therapy, is a gentle form of body work where subtle moves are performed over muscles and connective tissue sending messages to our autonomic nervous system. This allows the body to relax and therefore promote balance and wellbeing . Results can be remarkable and often only a few sessions are needed to correct the presenting problem. There are essential pauses during a session that allow the body time to respond and begin the healing process. Unlike many other body therapies, the Bowen Therapy does not use forceful manipulation. For you convenience, online bookings are available. Bowen Health Therapy in Port Stephens provides Bowen Therapy healing consultations and also accredited training for a Certificate IV in Bowen Therapy and Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy.
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