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About Bowen In Motion
The Bowen Technique relaxes tight muscles, ligaments and tendons using a gentle rolling movement. It focuses on the stress areas of the body, usually the back of the legs, glutes, small of the back and the upper region of the back. Bowen Therapy doesn't entail pressure or intense manipulation, so it's designed for everyone, even people who are suffering from chronic conditions. Bowen in Motion is situated in Hervey Bay and services the surrounding district. Phone: 0409 479 279 to make an appointment.
Gift Cards
Bowen Therapy
Iridology Therapy
Natural Therapies
Relaxing Tight Muscles
Relaxing Tendons
Leg Therapy
Knee Therapy
Shoulder Therapy
Back Therapy
Neck Therapy
Pain Relief
Headache Relief
Sinus Relief
Relaxing Ligaments
Sports Massage
Remedial Massage
Therapeutic Massage
5 rating
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Urangan QLD
Ways to Pay
Gift Voucher
IIPA Certified Iridologist
Accredited Bowen Therapist
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Bowen Therapy help with stress relief?
Yes, many people find that Bowen Therapy helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation.
Is Bowen Therapy safe for people with chronic conditions?
Yes, since it is a gentle technique, it is suitable for people with chronic conditions and can provide relief without causing discomfort.