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About Bowral Skin Cancer & Cosmetic Clinic
Dr Nada Rohde is an accredited skin cancer doctor in Bowral with advance skills in dermoscopy, skin cancer detection, skin cancer surgery and over 25 years of medical experience. �I enjoy my works as a skin cancer doctor and provide a comprehensive service including skin checks, skin cancer surgery, minor cosmetic skin lesion removal,non surgical skin cancer surgery and treatments, non surgical cosmetic treatments. I also see patients with common skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis , rosacea, acne, scarring, fungal infections, lumps and bumps.� �I engage in ongoing education in dermoscopy with the Skin Cancer College Australasia.� �I think prevention and early detection is particularly important part of my work. I enjoy providing education about prevention and will help you understand your risk factors, skin type and how to check your skin and protect it. Safe sun exposure is important � �Melanoma and skin cancer is particularly common in people with pale skins over 50 years of age who have grown up in Australia and enjoy the sun. I see many people in this age group and I treat a lot of skin cancer. Younger adults with risk factors,family history and past skin cancer history are also at high risk and are encouraged to have skin checks. If you have an usual or a new mole, itch, pain, bleeding, soreness or non healing skin or any changes at all in size or shape of a mole, you needs to get a check.� Dr Nada provides an affordable and easy access to a community medical service. Age pension and disability card holders are bulk billed. Private patients pay a gap fee of $50 per consult and service item. Referral is not needed. Dr Nada Rohde FRACGP Diploma Skin Cancer Medicine and Surgery Highlands Skin Cancer Clinic 4 Belmore st Bowral 2576 02 48616611
Total Body Skin Check
Mole Check
Skin Cancer Surgery
Skin Cancer Non Surgical Treatment Minor Surgery for Lumps and Bumps Rashes and Common Skin Condition Acne Treatments
Anti Wrinkle Injections
Dermal Fillers
Lip and Cheek Augmentation
Vitamin Injections
Non Surgical Rejuvenation
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Ways to Pay
Dr Nada Rohde (MBBS UNSW), FRACGP Skin Cancer Doctor, Diploma Skin Cancer Medicine & Surgery, Cosmetic Doctor
Bowral Skin Cancer & Cosmetic Clinic