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Landscape, civil & horticultural services
Hard and soft landscape construction
Paving, stonework and terrabond
Retaining walls and feature walls including core 10
Irrigation design and installation
Bank stabilization works
Surface mulching (large and open space)
Bulk and detailed excavation
Detailed concrete including kerb and gutter, pavement, decorative and polished
Supply and laying of synthetic grass surfaces
Supply and laying of soft fall surfaces
Hydraulics, drainage and irrigation
Playground construction and installation
Sports field construction
Planting and maintenance
Construction machinery hire
Kerbs, gutters, pedestrian and pram ramps
Plantings for carparks, roundabouts and street scapes
Street furniture such as bollards, seating, sculptures, rubbish bins, bike racks
Concrete roads & driveways
Footpaths & cycle ways
Excavation, bulk earthworks
Remediation works
Clearing & revegetation
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Direct Debit
Builders Licence No. 200313178
Contractor�s Licence No. 171375C
ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management
AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems
ISO 9001:2016 Quality Management Standard
ISO 14001:2016 Environmental Management Standard
Contractor-Landscaping CL-F2 � Certificate No. PQ ACT C 52
Pre Qualified to the ACT Government
Master Builders Member
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